About Us

To date we have spayed or neutered over 450 cats and pulled nearly 150 kittens from the euthanasia list. But we need to do more. 

We are excited to announce a partnership with Hayward Animal Services. With a combined effort of increased fostering and public outreach, we aim to significantly reduce their euthanasia number in the first year. 

*Artist Rendering

*Artist Rendering

Our Vision 

The neo-natal trailer aims to provide a loving environment for the kittens it houses. 

Our goal is to purchase and retrofit the trailer with $40,000 of privately donated funds. We receive no financial support from any city or county agency.

Our Kittens 

The kittens entering our program have been surrendered to the city or county shelter. Our volunteers will pick them up within hours of their arrival and whisk them to the nursery where they will be met with a warm meal and clean bed. 

Volunteers will work around the clock bottle feeding every 2-4 hours, bath, and administering medications as needed. 

No kitten is ever turned away due to health reasons. We believe even those with special needs deserve a chance to thrive. 

When the kittens are old enough, they will be vaccinated and neutered thanks to our key partnership with Pets in Need, then put up for adoption. 

Saving More Lives...

With this one-of-a-kind program, Bay area alliance for Animals aims to more than triple the lives we saved in 2015. 

That's 250 kittens who will be given a chance at life thanks to your generosity. 

Have plumbing skills? Have a working fridge you don't need? We're looking for volunteers and donations of all shapes and sizes! 

Get in touch and see how you can help!